SocoSIX BEHIND THE SCENES: News, Flashpoints, and Insights for July 2024

IRAN HEADS TO RUN-OFF VOTE ON FRIDAY (JULY 5) The only reformist candidate on the June 28 presidential election ballot, parliamentarian Masoud Pezeshkian, scored a slim lead (43%) over his leading hardline competitors (39% for the former nuclear talks chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili), with Parliamentary Speaker Qalibaf taking slightly more than 13% of the remainder.  […]

SocoSIX BEHIND THE SCENES: News, Flashpoints, and Insights for June 2024

Cyber Security Threats

WHITHER IRAN? Over the next few months, Iran’s political scene will be closely watched following the death on May 20 of the country’s president, Ebrahim Raisi.  In accordance with constitutional provisions, elections for a new president are scheduled for June 28 – an exceedingly short electoral window by any measure.  While several prominent candidates threw […]

News, Flashpoints, and Insights for May 2024

PUTTING GAZA MILITARY OPS ON HOLD? “Rafah can wait – hostages cannot,” wrote demonstrators on the street outside IDF headquarters during a turbulent demonstration in Tel Aviv on 29 April.  They were calling on the government of Bibi Netanyahu to finalize a deal with Hamas for the release of hostages who have been held in […]

News, Flashpoints, and Insights for April 2024

RENEWED TERRORISM THREAT?  Terrorism may be taking on different names and targets, but unfortunately, it must remain very high on the list of concerns for security officials in both government and business in multiple corners of the world, election-year politics, notwithstanding.  In recent Congressional testimony, the FBI and Director for Central Intelligence have stressed two […]